

These are giant puffball mushrooms. They grow in our woods from late summer to early fall. A single puffball can produce nine trillion spores! My granddaughter was thrilled with her find.


ace is the place

"Visit your Aunt, but not every day; and, call at your Brother's, but not every night." ~ Benjamin Franklin ~


Fall is falling . . . .

True Story . . . .

"I just found out I have H1N1. My tibia is fractured. And, we are under a tornado watch. Some fall break."

P E A C E . . . . .

"I want it to be said that the Bush administration was a results-oriented administration, because I believe the results of focusing our attention and energy on teaching children to read and achieving an education system that's responsive to the child and to the parents, as opposed to mired in a system that refuses to change will make America what we want it to be -- a more literate country and a hopefuller country." George W. Bush January 11, 2001 Washington, D.C
p l e a s e . . . .


The Montana Show

Ted and Martha. My favorite two people. Yes, I know. These are terrible pictures of Ted. It is the best my little camera and I could do. Should I just sit there and not try? What if you looked down seven seats and there was Ted? Anyway, I just watched the Martha Stewart Living show today with Martha visiting Ted in Montana. The best Martha I have ever seen. More info on Martha's blog. ** TT owns approximately two million acres of personal and ranch land. His lands are managed and worked to partner economic viability with ecological sustainability. Turner ranches support many progressive environmental projects including water resource management, reforestation and the reintroduction of native species to the land. They manage over 50,000 head of bison across the various Turner ranches. ** The UN Foundation promotes "a more peaceful, prosperous and just world". The United Nations priority areas include the Environment, Women and Population, Children's Health, Security, Human Rights and Peace. The United Nations Foundation, Inc. (the "UN Foundation") was created in 1998 in response to Ted Turner's historic gift of $1 billion in support of United Nations causes. Wow.


Buddy Turns Free


I can't boil water . . .

We went to the Incredible Food Show Saturday. And, the incredible Bobby Flay was there. He was signing his cookbooks. I don't know what I will do with mine but it's pretty. There were around 100 Kentucky Proud growers and producers including a beautiful representation from the local farmers market. And, lots of vegetables, cheese, bread, sauce, salsa, relish, garlic, honey, wine, tea, jam cake, fondue, yum and yummier. . . . . . . . a couple of local gals in line for a sample of home brew more Bobby . . .


Breathe life for lung cancer

Beauty News: Breathe life with OPI

opi-nails-lung-img.jpg Your nails will not only look chic, but you will be supporting the fight against the number one killer of women in the U.S., according to the LCFA. see We Live In The Country . . . .