
Manx Museum

Illiam Dhone’s cap

Illiam Dhone's cap

James Stanley, Earl of Derby, ruled as King of Mann from his seat at Castle Rushen. James was a follower of Charles I and like him, ruled in an ever more autocratic manner. William Christian (Illiam Dhone), commander of the island’s militia, grew concerned about the loss of traditional rights, and when the English Parliament sent a fleet to the island he seized his opportunity, and negotiated its surrender in exchange for guarantees of these rights. Upon the restoration of Stanley rule under Charles II, Christian, a hero to the Manx but a traitor to the Stanleys, was executed at Hango Hill, near Castletown. This finely embroidered night cap is believed to be his, and indeed it bears a strong resemblance to one worn in the only known portrait of Christian.

This cap is on display in the Manx Museum, Douglas.

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